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Who We Support:

Durham Paediatrics Society anually supports two main charities actively involved in the care of children around the Teeside Area:



Zoe's Place Baby Hospice

Zoe's Place Baby Hospice is a charity based in Middlesbrough which provides palliative, respite and end of life care to seriously ill children up to the age of five years. All of these children are suffering from life-threatening or life-limiting conditions. Staff at Zoe's Place provide 24-hour care not only for the children but for their families too, who need the extra help in order to continue caring for their unwell children.


Visit their website at: 



Butterwick House Children's Hospice

Butterwick House is a hospice providing care for seriously ill children from infancy up until adulthood. It aims to provide a home away from home, with each family being assigned keyworkers; who tailor care to the child's needs and abilities. The charity also has a special facility for teenage and young adult patients, enabling them to spend qualtiy time with others of a similar age or just the chance to relax together.


Visit their website at:



We believe these charities perform fantastic work helping children in the local area as well as nationwide. As a Society we aim to hold twice termly fundraisers to support such worthy causes - any contributions are more than welcome!



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